For current partners on IT support plans, we offer a complimentary remote access portal, utilizing a full featured license to LogMeIn PRO. This license is valid for all the machines you currently have on a plan with us, and the remote access portable is configurable in a variety of ways.
To gain access to your personalized portal, please contact us directly. Once you have received your credentials, please log in and use the portal using the following procedure :
1. Visit the portal at
2. Enter your portal username and password, as provided by our staff. Select the check box ‘Remote in to Favorite Desktop’ for faster access in the future. You will then be prompted to set up Two-Factor Authentication for your account, along with link and guidelines on doing this using a Google, Microsoft, or Authy smartphone app. If you are in a hurry, you currently may select ‘skip’ to bypass this step temporarily.
3. Once 2FA is set up, on the portal homescreen, you will see a list of computers you have access to. To the left of the computer name, there are three icons highlighted in the screenshot below. In order, they are : “Remote Control”, “System Info”, and “Favorite”
4. Click the star to favorite your most used computer. Then, click the left icon to establish a Remote Control session. The next screen should appear, asking you to install the remote access software. This is a one-time installation, and will not need to be done every time you connect.
5. This screen may appear differently depending on which web browser you use. Follow the prompts to install the LogMeIn plugin. Once installed, you should connect to the computer.
6. Once connected, you will be prompted to enter the login information for your computer. This is the username and password you normally use while physically at the computer, not the remote access website password you entered earlier.
7. Success! You are now connected to your system. Select ‘Remote Access’ from the menu.
8. You may be prompted to update your windows firewall settings the first time you connect. This is a one time adjustment. Select all the checkboxes highlighted above, and “Allow Access”
9. You can now control your system remotely as if you were sitting in front of it. There are a few notable icons on the top bar, as highlighted in the screenshot above:
- On the left side, the icon with two overlapping rectangles lets you switch screens on your remote computer, if your office computer has a multi-monitor setup.
- The middle icon we’ve highlighted looks like a pyramid. This button will send CTL-ALT-DEL to the remote computer.
- On the right, we’ve highlighted the ‘fullscreen’ and ‘x’ buttons. This will make the remote control session go fullscreen, allowing you to be more productive.
That’s it! If you have questions or need IT assistance with your computer’s remote access software in Atlanta, please contact us directly at 404-593-0083404-593-0083+14045930083
+14045930083” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>
404-593-0083, or by e-mail at
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